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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 11 / 04 / 14 - The joy of lying on the radio, Emmanuel's latest saga trying to get coffee before the show, Emmanuel's philosophy when an order goes wrong, how things tend to even out in the end, it's Election Day, what's particularly baffling about this election, reassuring words from Finn, Emmanuel missed Election Day last year for the first time, Finn's strange polling place, some ideas for changing Election Day, trying to figure out what people are so angry about, a Mitch McConnell photobomb and the Democrat opponent's non-reaction, why the old voting booths were better, it's a fundraising show, a look back at a particular "political debate" in history, another controversy involving a mosque on Long Island, a sampling of some of the hateful comments on the Newsday site, remembering that such people only represent a minority, what it takes to convince someone they're wrong, why the discussion is what's important, Emmanuel realizes he doesn't even like coffee. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! November 4 ![]()
- 11 / 11 / 14 - The differences between Remembrance Day and Veterans Day, the "first round proper" of the FA Cup takes place, some items of confusion involving the naming of divisions, a history of the teams being followed this year, Altrincham has been eliminated, the new team to follow is Blyth Spartans, it's likely the team will be eliminated in two weeks by Hartlepool, why the competition is starting to change, how Warrington Town from the eighth division is the closest thing to a "giant killer" so far, Emmanuel explains why the San Francisco Giants aren't really "world champions," Stony Brook has been ranked Number 131 in a U.S. News and World Report survey, confusion concerning Cambridge, some of the schools ranked above Stony Brook, Finn explains the origins of Armistice Day, disturbing trends that discourage dialogue, how veterans are often the victims in society, the lack of a day of remembrance for civilians who were victims of war, how the numbers compare to military casualties, why December 12th would be a good day for this, the need for pledges, getting ready for the findings of the grand jury in Ferguson, defining the times when it's justified to rise up against the system, a look at the relevance of a Bob Dylan song from 50 years ago. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! November 11 ![]()
- 11 / 18 / 14 - An explanation of a programming snafu at the top of the hour, it's the last week of the fundraiser but there's nobody else in the studio, the next round of the FA Cup won't be until December, some weirdness with pronunciation in the English language, the uniqueness of topic matter that's found on this radio station, anticipating the decision in Ferguson, why next week would be bad timing, the negative manner in which Ferguson demonstrators are being portrayed in the mass media, how a true journalist should cover this story, the oddity and unfairness of the grand jury system, the extremely high percentage of indictments that come out of grand juries unless the case involves a cop, the governor of Missouri declares a state of emergency in advance of the decision, predictions for a nationwide response to the expected outcome, what it is that people are angry about, how the explosion in gun sales points out the hypocrisy in the NRA's position, where the actual violence came from in recent protests, where to go to get the actual story, sometimes a little destruction is necessary to get justice, Finn drops in, there's a game on next week, Finn reports there are four separate accidents on Nicoll's Road, how this could be related to Ferguson, people are being arrested for feeding the homeless in Florida, a Florida school has an unannounced school shooting drill, the first awarding of the Moron of the Week award, what Filipino hip hop is like. This show includes fundraising. Download It Now! November 18 ![]()
- 11 / 25 / 14 - An abbreviated show tonight, why nobody should be surprised by the reaction to the decision in Ferguson, how the authorities made matters about as bad as they possibly could have, the newly renamed Dumbass of the Week award, how crime statistics are being manipulated, analysis of yet another police incident in Brooklyn, the story of a 12-year-old kid in Cleveland who was shot by police, what has changed in our culture, objecting to the notion of cops issuing commands to civilians, why cops need to be retrained, defining what a hero actually is, what Twitter was like last night, wondering where the NRA was, how the demonstrations in New York went last night, what was so different about this particular grand jury, federal grand juries declined to indict someone in only 11 out of 162,000 instances, how the prosecutor in this case may have made it impossible for an indictment to be issued, what Martin Luther King had to say about riots. Download It Now! November 25 ![]()
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