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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 12 / 02 / 14 - Today is "Giving Tuesday," how Emmanuel found out about this annoying event, no new teams will be joining in the next round of the FA Cup, Warrington Town is the lowest ranked team remaining, the team being followed now is Blyth Spartans, Emmanuel's latest coffee exploits, an upcoming test of a NASA space capsule, the apparent need to tear people down, nationwide demonstrations against police violence, the lack of real activism on the Stony Brook campus, what "drone parents" are, examples of encouraging words from leaders, action by members of the St. Louis Rams stirs a debate, the absurdity of racial relations panels on mainstream news channels comprised entirely of white people, Emmanuel explains the Fox Safety Device, words from author James Baldwin from the 1960s concerning rioting, the importance of putting yourself into someone else's shoes, analyzing the police killing of a kid in Cleveland, the danger of cops who panic, the details of the Eric Garner case currently being debated in a grand jury, why talking about this is important. Download It Now! December 2 ![]()
- 12 / 09 / 14 - Talk of torture is everywhere as a report on the subject is released by the Senate, why we should focus on the release being a good thing, theorizing on why Obama isn't pushing for prosecution, the only person sent to prison is the one who leaked information about the existence of the torture program, how the CIA leaks its own information, Dumbass of the Week is awarded to Representative Peter King for his comments on the Eric Garner case, protesters shut down Sunrise Highway on Long Island, other instances of demonstrators blocking traffic, a sampling of Newsday comments on the demonstrators, confronting stereotypes, South Carolina is successful in obtaining indictments against police officers, calling Kyle in Seattle, Kyle and Emmanuel will be heading to the Chaos Communication Congress in a couple of weeks, some challenges involved in finding overseas flights, wondering if smoking flights still exist, listening to a mile-long freight train passing by outside Kyle's window, there is a "nor'easter" in the New York area, Emmanuel updates Kyle on the FA Cup and how the team he originally picked in August led to the biggest upset this past weekend, Blyth Spartans is now the lowest ranked team in the competition, a discussion on last week's Orion test flight, some travel shows will be upcoming. Download It Now! December 9 ![]()
- 12 / 16 / 14 - "Concert Billboard" is out of date, it's a tough time of year, ways of fighting depression, the importance of stepping away from the negativity and realizing that you're in control, why Dumbass of the Week isn't going to Dick Cheney, this week's award goes to Patrick Lynch and the entire Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of New York City, how their behavior demonstrates the immaturity of cops, more disturbing details on the cop shooting in an Ohio Walmart earlier this year, highlighting some of Dick Cheney's comments on "Meet the Press" concerning torture, Cheney demonstrates how much of an opposite he is from Benjamin Franklin, how the media is largely ignoring the massacre of school kids in Pakistan and is instead focusing on the Sony hack, the incredible number of school shootings that have taken place since Sandy Hook two years ago, how Texas is preparing to allow the open carrying of handguns, demonstrators in Washington State are angry about having to have background checks for gun sales, programming notes, the travel shows that are ahead, thoughts on Mayor de Blasio, WUSB's signal quality in Smithtown, analyzing white anger towards Al Sharpton, some discussion of chemtrails, a new area code will be coming to Suffolk County in 2016. Download It Now! December 16 ![]()
- 12 / 23 / 14 - Kyle has difficulty with a switch upon his return to the area, thoughts on the holiday season, Kyle and Emmanuel will be at the Chaos Communication Congress in a few days, Emmanuel has yet to relax since HOPE, how easy it is to spread misinformation in a conservative radio format, The New York Times calls on the Department of Justice to investigate former Bush administration officials on the use of torture, there's a game on the radio tonight, how 2600 got sucked into the Sony hack story, questioning who was responsible for the hack in the first place, Kyle and Emmanuel still don't know where they're going to go after CCC, a channel is lost due to a squirrel in the ceiling, the execution of two cops in New York City, why it's wrong to link demonstrations to this act, some of the most ignorant statements that have been made, a call to get rid of all of the idiotic cops who assume the public is against them, more unbelievable behavior from police union leader Patrick Lynch, travel shows will be on for the next few weeks, some North Korean cheery music. Download It Now! December 23 ![]()
- 12 / 30 / 14 - A travel show taped last May on the Autobahn in Germany, Kyle and Emmanuel are in Germany again while this show is airing, standing on the highway as traffic has come to a complete standstill, Emmanuel drove around 190 kilometers per hour only a few minutes before this recording, what people are doing while traffic is stopped, how the car itself warned of traffic trouble, being treated as authority figures due to the camera and microphone, traffic begins to move again, Kyle discusses the thought behind renting a car as opposed to taking a train, the laid back approach when renting a car or staying in a hotel in Germany, demonstrating the "economode" feature on the car, Kyle describes some of the cars on the road, the gruesome accident scene is passed, Emmanuel eases into highway speed and provides a running commentary, how people are treated like adults in this country, what's ahead next time. Download It Now! December 30 ![]()
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