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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 01 / 05 / 16 - Emmanuel is outraged by the actions of the president, trying to understand why people are upset at the implementation of background checks for gun purchases, how we've lost touch with our roots, how things are different in Canada, imagining what weapons were like back in the days of the founding fathers, the kinds of arms that are forbidden, how things have changed over the past eight years, charter flights from MacArthur Airport to Cuba are set to begin soon, Chris Christie vows to get rid of marijuana legalization, how the Republican candidates are all nightmares, avoiding the Miss Universe story, the story of a bank robber in a wheelchair, a heartwarming gun story from Texas, skywriters at the Rose Bowl write anti-Trump messages, Kyle gives an update on the Trump machine at the station, Kyle and Emmanuel interrupt each other, a right wing takeover of a federal building gets very little press coverage, calling the federal building live on the air, contrasting the way these protesters are being dealt with to the way other demonstrators are treated. Download It Now! January 5 ![]()
- 01 / 12 / 16 - In a show taped in January of 2015, Kyle and Emmanuel are being interviewed on an Austrian radio show called "Der Chaostalk" at Radiofabrik in Salzburg, thoughts of the HOPE conference, why Emmanuel hates the "white hat" and "black hat" phrases, Kyle explains the choices that are made in the hacker community, the importance of coming up with new names for the conferences, memories of the pivotal conferences in the Netherlands, Kyle and Emmanuel discuss their radio shows, how copyrights can be an impediment to creativity, Emmanuel's modest proposal for solving the problem of digital access to music, how Negativland has the right attitude, challenges to copyright law and how it's currently insane, how Kyle got involved in radio, measuring listenership, how the hacker community has embraced radio, Kyle and Emmanuel don't have a return ticket to the States, problems with Google Maps and metros, having fun getting lost, thoughts of the recently concluded 2014 Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, thoughts on Edward Snowden's actions, Kyle and Emmanuel hung out with Snowden's parents during HOPE X, the prospect of Americans being tried in The Hague, David Cameron's recent comments on privacy, the importance of meeting in person, plans for the immediate future, when the next HOPE conference will be. Download It Now! January 12 ![]()
- 01 / 19 / 16 - Emmanuel experiments with a more intimate voice, some thoughts on last week's show, what Kyle and Emmanuel have been going through lately trying to save their cat's life, why pets deserve every chance, what cat chemo is all about, ways of letting go, why money shouldn't be the deciding issue, how this relates to older people, embracing the sad moments of life, the brusque way that physicians can treat patients, thoughts on the Democratic debate and single payer health care, Sarah Palin comes out in favor of Trump, the prospects of Trump winning Iowa, why Emmanuel wants Trump to be victorious, Trump gets religious facts wrong at Liberty University, another failed SpaceX attempt to land a rocket on a barge, an update on a bizarre star in the sky, an update on the Volkswagen emissions scandal, what's going on with falling fuel prices, the passing of David Bowie, why an especially bad song can be inspirational. Download It Now! January 19 ![]()
- 01 / 26 / 16 - Pondering the listening audience, comparing the reaction to snow in Washington DC to that in New York, discovering that the Iowa caucus is on Monday, wondering why Iowa always gets to decide first, thoughts on the Democratic Town Hall, Kyle describes the caucus process, Emmanuel has lots of questions about how it works, a shootout at a Mississippi gun store, a rare mass shooting in Canada, the different ways that Canadians deal with issues concerning native people, some recommended Canadian radio programs, slight audio glitch, Scandinavia seems to be getting less tolerant towards immigrants, a delay miscue, a call concerning local abandoned mental hospitals, the issue of culture clash, Emmanuel learns from his phone that Riverside is next to Riverhead, thoughts on Riverhead, finding hidden gems in the local area, Emmanuel's contention with the train museum. Download It Now! January 26 ![]()
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