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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 02 / 02 / 16 - Kyle refers to himself as "Roy" in the coffee shop down the hall, Emmanuel realizes he doesn't know anyone with that name, one lie leads to another, the dangers of always telling the truth, the annoyance of pet stores with incessant questions, Kyle describes the new machines coming to banks, thoughts on digital socialization, what it's like to go without a phone for a while, a challenge to get rid of an app today, Kyle and Emmanuel watch the Iowa caucus on C-SPAN, Martin O'Malley has quit the race based on the results from Iowa, the significance of Bernie Sanders' performance, Donald Trump comes in second, trying to decipher a phone call, some really good channels offered on Cablevision, Emmanuel challenges Kyle to guess the titles of police reports in a local paper, problems finding the outro, it's Groundhog Day. Download It Now! February 2 ![]()
- 02 / 16 / 16 - In a show taped in January of 2015, Kyle and Emmanuel are at an Austrian train station waiting for a train out of Salzburg, commenting on the various trains passing by and arriving, a whirlwind of travel lies ahead today, Kyle and Emmanuel will be taking three local trains from Austria into Germany, the preciseness of the schedule, various cities that have been visited during this trip, the prevalence of accurate clocks in this part of the world, an engine is disconnected from a train, a freight train passes, what a double train is, the problem of integrating rail lines within the United States, the challenge of buying a train ticket from Vienna to Salzburg, the Westbahn train company and how it compares to OBB, how a ticket was able to be purchased on the train via Wi-Fi, outlining the tight connection ahead without any concern, boarding the train which is run by Meridian, the train is actually late, thoughts on Bratislava, the fast pace of Budapest, the cheap prices, the abundance of computer screens on trains that give out relevant information, crossing the platform to the second train, trying to find the second class section, the next connection will be ten minutes long in two hours, figuring out if the train is in Germany, a cat in a field, German radio. Download It Now! February 16 ![]()
- 02 / 23 / 16 - In a show taped in January of 2015, Kyle and Emmanuel are on a rather quiet train in Germany preparing for a final connection, interesting signaling systems, describing the passing scenery, the reason for taking regional rails this time, what lies ahead, almost getting off at the wrong stop, thoughts of Budapest, seeing a large rabbit, memories of traditional Hungarian music on the radio, making the connection to the next train, how elevators and escalators tend to work better in European train stations, almost getting on the wrong train, getting onto the final train in the journey, final thoughts on Budapest, Hungarian radio. Download It Now! February 23 ![]()
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