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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 03 / 01 / 16 - Kyle and Emmanuel are back in the States in a show taped in February of 2015, recapping where the story was left, this show is being taped while driving to a live show at WUSB, plans to cover a live rocket launch from SpaceX, thoughts on weather, what has happened since the train ride in the last episode, the goal is to get coffee before the show, the show being prepared for will be the first live show in a studio since December of 2014, thoughts of Bratislava, remembering the train ride to Hungary, how Kyle and Emmanuel managed to keep people from joining them in their train cabin, racing into the Union building at Stony Brook, people who have problems passing other people while walking, a busy coffee shop, debating whether to get hot or iced drinks, noticing the scripts people read from in various places, an excerpt from the live program that aired on the day this was recorded, fast forwarding to the end of the program, leaving the station, Kyle and Emmanuel confess how much they hate radio, Emmanuel hits the panic button for the car, Emmanuel explains why the 2600 van needs to be moved and how that could be a significant challenge, more thoughts on Budapest, Kyle's methods of finding really cool places for coffee overseas, a couple of particularly interesting coffee shops in Budapest, an indoor market discovered by accident, Emmanuel's difficulty in getting a simple cup of black coffee, recalling a cafe in Prague where Kyle was rebuffed in his coffee drinking style. Download It Now! March 1 ![]()
- 03 / 08 / 16 - Kyle and Emmanuel are documenting the starting of the 2600 van in a show taped in February of 2015, why it's necessary to start the van now, some unique features of the van, figuring out the best way to record the van not starting, analyzing the strength of the battery, some of the van's history, the fact that 2600 has now owned the van longer than the telephone company did, the growing frustration, resuming the recounting of Kyle and Emmanuel's recent trip to eastern Europe, the art of finding food and day passes in foreign cities, an interesting instrument found in Budapest, the van finally starts, a large amount of carbon monoxide, advice sought on how to start the van easier, remembering the big statue on top of the hill in Budapest, why it would be nice to have castles in one's neighborhood, the recording cuts off as the train ride to Vienna is being remembered, Kyle resumes his recollection over a year after starting it but is again cut off due to the show being abbreviated for a lacrosse game. Download It Now! March 8 ![]()
- 03 / 15 / 16 - Picking up on the story of the trip to Austria in the first live show in a while, Kyle describes a place in Victoria, an anti-gay incident at a cafe in Vienna, watching an old man trying to steal money from makeshift newspaper stands in Vienna, the difficulty in picking up a rental car in Germany, Emmanuel quickly wraps up the trip summary, it's an abbreviated show tonight, the theme for the show is thieves and liars, discussing whether lying is wrong, mystery disco music, it's Super Tuesday Number Three, why Emmanuel wants Trump to be the Republican nominee, predicting how Trump might leave the race, a pro-Trump song as a warning. Download It Now! March 15 ![]()
- 03 / 22 / 16 - Kyle and Emmanuel are on a train in a show taped two days ago, an update on the Europa League to prove that this is a current show, Manchester United is the new team being followed, what a derby is in football, Liverpool is now the new team being followed into the quarterfinals, a dinner reservation announcement, on the way to the Washington caucus this coming Saturday, why it's important for Kyle to be there, more announcements, what coach class is all about on the train, why this is so much better than flying, the itinerary ahead, passing an American Legion post, what a roomette is compared to a room, the cost of a trip like this, tracking down GSM interference, what mealtime is like on the train, what it was like during the six-hour stopover in Chicago, a personal visit from the lady making announcements, visiting Kyle's old school, a stop at Galesburg, the possibility of taking a Canadian train back east, there seem to be a lot of radio stations moving lately. Download It Now! March 22 ![]()
- 03 / 29 / 16 - Kyle and Emmanuel are in the front row at Safeco Field in Seattle waiting for a Bernie Sanders rally to begin, sitting through intros, trying to talk over the music, some interesting facts about the Seattle Mariners, Kyle discovers a host of forbidden items on his person when arriving at the stadium, Bernie Sanders takes the stage, Kyle and Emmanuel are driving to the caucus early Saturday morning, Emmanuel tries to think of ways to defeat the system, Emmanuel reads from a brochure on caucuses, differing perspectives on a near accident, discussing possible scenarios at the caucus, calling the caucus to order, the Pledge of Allegiance, a captain takes charge, doing the math, some words on behalf of the candidates, summing it all up, some words from local resident Ashok who explains some of the process, the final numbers. Download It Now! March 29 ![]()
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