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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 12 / 06 / 16 - An EAS test, the history of the current theme, there will be a new theme in January, Boeing's stock tanks because of a Donald Trump tweet, why Trump has all of the attributes of a dictator, wondering what Trump will be like when he has the power to kill, it's been a month since the election, Republicans try to stop recounts, Trump says that millions voted illegally, Emmanuel is sick with something Kyle brought back from Florida, another Donald Trump visit in the local area, a report of a Wi-Fi password at the gathering, weird use of the word "tony," why it's OK to have no respect for Trump, Emmanuel predicts unity because of Trump, the massive amount of post-it notes that have appeared on the walls of the Union Square subway station after the election, an update on the new studio, how more students have gotten involved in the station. Download It Now! December 6 ![]()
- 12 / 13 / 16 - The studio continues to be dismantled, the heat is now off in the building, ways to stay warm, thinking of Neanderthals, more thoughts on the transition to the new studios, how noncommercial radio works, Emmanuel asks Kyle to defend the electoral college, how states get priority over individuals, applying the electoral college philosophy to minority representation, people on the left who seem to reach the same conclusions as people on the right, why people need to react in great numbers if they want to defend the progress that's been made, why it's important for the inauguration to not go smoothly, the huge conflict of interest that Trump's nominee for Secretary of State has, the prospects of what Trump could do once he gets into power, how George W. Bush bears responsibility for the instability in the Middle East, analyzing the people who surround Trump, the clock gets stuck on the time when Kyle and Emmanuel walked into the studio, a Champions League update. Download It Now! December 13 ![]()
- 12 / 27 / 16 - It's the loneliest time to be on campus and the radio station is currently in an abandoned building, almost all of the equipment in the current studio is older than Kyle, a guide to some of the old equipment, how Kyle is currently using one of the old reel-to-reel tape decks, what may be different about the new studios, Emmanuel reminisces about Fudgetown cookies and Good Humor coconut bars, barn raising versus barn razing, a low power radio station run by a local realtor, Kyle and Emmanuel are driving a compact SUV, the huge amount of pirate radio stations on the air in New York City, the videos for The Eleventh HOPE are now online, a talk on pirate radio in New York is part of this, Kyle has been watching live videos from the Chaos Communication Congress which is currently going on in Germany, a talk on the Dieselgate scandal, why Wolfsburg is worth going to and what it's all about, the future of autonomous vehicles, backup cameras and other new features, how commercials seem to be injecting humor into accidents, the advantages and dangers of discouraging people to drive, why it's important to know how to fix and operate things, a vehicle with no windshield, a suspicious package at the Trump Tower, why Emmanuel finds that building particularly ominous, Kyle explains the power of shooting upwards to create a more powerful effect, Israeli reaction to a momentous United Nations resolution, the hypocrisy in Israeli relations, the absurdity of the Republican reaction, why Israel needs to wake up to reality, what Trump's presence will mean to all of this, the significance and manipulation of numbers, how Democrats gained in the election, how Republicans acted shamefully in North Carolina, why the voice of the people needs to be heard, how the obstinance of the Republicans will ultimately hurt them, why Trump has used up his chance, looking forward to 2017 with optimism. Download It Now! December 27 ![]()
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