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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - 01 / 03 / 17 - The first show of the new year and one of the last while Obama is in power, the station is still broadcasting from an abandoned building, seeing the station's chief engineer on top of the old antenna this weekend, Governor Cuomo is getting things done, the potential of free tuition at state universities like Stony Brook, Kyle and Emmanuel ride the new Second Avenue subway on its first day in operation, how the stations are different, the next phase, future projects, comparisons to European rail, memories of the Salzburg train station, a new theme for the show is in the works, a listener suggestion for the new theme, Republicans attempt to strip power from the ethics panel, how public opinion was responsible for preventing this, Trump instead gets all the credit, the gains that Democrats made in this election that aren't being focused upon, the Hollywood sign is changed to say "Hollyweed," Kyle believes the proposed theme is excessively long, attempts by the mayor of New York City to protect the identities of undocumented residents, Obama has been implementing new policies that Trump will have a hard time reversing, a significant song is proposed for the Trump inauguration. Download It Now! January 3 ![]()
- 01 / 10 / 17 - Listening to the theme for one of the last times, how "Democracy Now" was particularly dark today, how a shooting in Fort Lauderdale is the result of ill-advised foreign policy of the past, WUSB has a second frequency, legal IDs for W297BM, when the last show in the old studio may be, rumors of what's lurking in the abandoned Student Union building, more suggestions on potential new themes along with critiques, thoughts on chamber music, Emmanuel ran out of C-SPANs today, Emmanuel's chair collapses, thoughts on the Jeff Sessions confirmation hearing, the low bar that's been set. Download It Now! January 10 ![]()
- 01 / 17 / 17 - The last airing of the current theme, mysterious feedback, the speakers are resounding throughout the station in the empty building, a winter storm named Jupiter, saying goodbye to the theme, the last show under Obama, Emmanuel surprises Kyle with a blockbuster news story, Chelsea Manning has her sentence commuted, worries about how Trump will react to this, thoughts on Trump's first press conference in six months, the danger of the press becoming more cautious, growing impatience with the Trump apologists, there has been a deluge of new theme suggestions, playing the previous two themes, the Trump administration is considering evicting the press from the White House, Trump attacks civil rights icon John Lewis, Kyle discusses new legislation in North Dakota that makes it easier to run over demonstrators, last thoughts before Trump takes power. Download It Now! January 17 ![]()
- 01 / 24 / 17 - An apology for cutting off the previous program, the clock is telling the wrong time, the brand new theme is debuted, a promise fulfilled, how music can affect our moods and memories, this is definitely the last show in the current studio, the official transition is on Friday, attempts to preserve the old board, Emmanuel is putting a picture of the board on Twitter, memories of what it used to be like at WUSB, how people used to smoke a whole lot more, wondering what people will look back on with disgust in 40 years, analyzing the first four days of Trump, the incredible reaction to Trump's ascension to power, a disturbing update concerning Standing Rock, Emmanuel tries to adjust his attitude, who to really be afraid of, recommending APTN, missile launchers are being prepared for demonstrators, what has changed on the White House website, whether or not it's right to slug a Nazi in the face, journalists who call Trump a liar, the last moments in the old studio. Download It Now! January 24 ![]()
- 01 / 31 / 17 - Getting used to the new space, Kyle is in a bad mood and the snow isn't helping, it's Philip Glass's 80th birthday, a rundown of the last days of the old studio which is now off limits, describing some of the old equipment, the process of removing the old consoles, searching for ancient relics in the walls of the old studio, reading from an old letter that was discovered, outlining what else was found, the country is in chaos, the acting attorney general is fired by Trump after defying his orders on the Muslim ban, how the people are leading the politicians, letters opposing the ban from Stony Brook, why Trump bears responsibility for the mosque massacre in Quebec, the Peter Mansbridge coverage of the tragedy, the difference in reaction to this sort of thing in Canada as opposed to the States, an update to the pro-Trump banner in Port Jefferson, angry backlash to reporters asking questions about the Muslim ban, a CD is discovered that was made by a former WUSB DJ from 1965. Download It Now! January 31 ![]()
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